What's So Bad About Porn? Four Ways Pornography Can Be Destructive

If you enjoy looking at pornography, you may feel like there is nothing wrong with it. After all, it's something you choose to do in the privacy of your own home. You probably feel as if it's not hurting anyone else, and you may even feel it provides a necessary stress relief.

However, viewing pornography may not be so innocent. Knowing how pornography can affect your life in a negative way will help you decide if it's worth the risk.

It can become an addiction

Things we turn to for stress relief and pleasure can easily turn into addictions. For instance, an alcoholic may have started out by enjoying a few drinks to relax after work. A person addicted to food may have started overeating as a response to stress, loneliness, or boredom.

Addiction to porn may start out as an activity you enjoy on an occasional basis. It may be used to spark new excitement when viewed with your spouse or partner. Any activity that stimulates the senses can lead to addictive behavior, and you may not even realize it is happening.

It can cost you money

Like other addictions, cost can be a factor. As you become addicted to porn, you will begin to look for more ways to satisfy your craving. You may find you are renting pornographic movies or paying to sign up for porn sites online. You may be investing large amounts of money in magazines or visiting adult bookstores.

Addictions can cause people to lose their jobs and financial security. You may be investing in your addiction rather than investing in your job and future.

It can cost you relationships

If you are receiving sexual stimulation and satisfaction from viewing pornography, you may begin to neglect your relationship with your spouse or significant other. If your partner is not aware that you view pornography, you run the risk of them finding out.

This often leads to a partner feeling rejected. They may feel they aren't good enough. They may feel insecure about their body and worry they will never be able to measure up to the men or women in the movies you are watching. This may cause them to end the relationship.

It can cost you your reputation

It some cases, porn addiction may become so consuming that it leads to you pursuing unhealthy relationships. You may find yourself involved with multiple partners. You may become promiscuous and end up cheating on your partner. At worst, pornography addiction may lead to violent sexual and criminal acts.

Knowing the risks associated with pornography will make you aware of whether it's a concern for you. If you feel you may be addicted to porn, you should contact a porn addiction crisis support center, like The Mindful Habit. A trained professional will provide the guidance you need to get your life back on track again.
